miércoles, abril 07, 2010

¿Yamaha? ¿Toyota?


No he podido por menos. Paso el anuncio

Begin forwarded message:
Subject: World wide recall on Japanese pianos
Date: April 6, 2010 11:02:30 AM MDT


Better check your Japanese-built piano

Yamaha has recalled 20,000 pianos due to a problem with the pedal sticking, causing pianists to play faster than they normally would, resulting in a dangerous number of accidentals. The sticky pedal also makes it harder for pianists to come to a full stop at the end of a piece making it extremely risky for audiences. Although there have been a tremendous number of accidentals, fortunately it has so far caused no deafs. Analysts are wondering if it will put a damper on their bass market and if they will be able to sustain sales. Congress is also considering calling in the President of Yamaha for questioning as to when the company first learned about the treble.

Here's an update on that Yamaha piano recall: Congressional inquiries brought a sharp response from president Mitsuru Umemura of Yamaha, who quickly played down the scale of the problem before taking the fifth. "Only a few modal years are affected by what is a relative minor problem," he replied tiercely. With no progression towards a resolution, sales of Yamaha pianos have gone flat, and market analysts predict an interval of diminished revenue for the company. The president announced that Yamaha would triadvertising more and fine tune their marketing strategies in order to augment sales.

Reported by Jay Janell, stringer
Toyota or Yamaha???

4 comentarios:

Ico dijo...

La noticia la oí en los coches en los toyotas. pero lo del piano yamaha también es verdad? o es broma.. mi inglés entiende a medias..

Raquel dijo...

Es una broma. Además, hay palabras que están escritas mal de forma deliberada para buscar el parecido con algunos términos musicales.

Irreverens dijo...

¡jejejee! Hay gente para todo, la verdad.


Menos mal que de momento no ha habido que lamentar sordos, jijiji.

Raquel dijo...

Ja, ja, ja,
lo de los sordos y lo de no poder parar a tiempo en los finales y poner en peligro a la audiencia es total.

Cuando recibí el mensaje pensé que iba en serio y con el título ya me reí socarronamente pensando, una más. Al leerlo fue cuando me di cuenta, "before taking a fifth", "a few modal years", "an interval of diminished revenue"...

¡Disfruta el fin de semana!